28 February 2012

Home Inspiration: Jane Aldridge

Spotted the new home of Judy Aldridge on one of my fav blogs and couldn't help but follow the link trail to see that Jane Aldridge also posted photos of her first apartment. Isn't it glorious? Love the perfect mix of tribal-glam she's got going on. Bravo!


Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

I seriously about DIED over this space! Can you imagine living in a pad so posh in your teens?? Holymoly I wonder what divine design mama's gonna dream up when Jane turns 21! Incredible styling, love all the gilded boho extras!

Peace. Love. LOL!

Haute Khuuture.com

Ry Pepper said...

I. Need. Those. Mirrors. LOVE! What a beautiful space!

designchic said...

It's gorgeous and the double mirrors are amazing...happily following!!