29 March 2010

Obsessed Much? Men's Hats for Me.

There are some inexplicable occasions that my online shopping turns into browsing for my boyfriend's next purchase.  More often than not, I end up just reporting to him as to any good findings and that's that.  But, then there are the times that boyfriend shopping turns into me-shopping, which is when I get really giddy because I feel like I'm beating the system!  My latest and greatest find: the Filson Tin Cloth Windfowl Cap.  It's the perfect companion to any frilly, springtime dress, yet could come in very useful for bad hair days.


by Sutton said...

ah hats. they are a great standby!

Jilly Moo said...

Love that. Shopping for anyone else inevitably turns into "me shopping". Good to know we aren't the only ones!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I may just have to grab one for myself