15 March 2010

Weather Woes and Pros

NYC had some pretty ridiculous weather this past weekend.  Nonetheless, I faced the rain head-to-head on Saturday and ventured around the city in search for lesser known vintage/consignment shops.  I was 0-1.  It wasn't until my umbrella turned inside out and flew out of my hands that I decided to call my day quits and head home.  I spent the rest of the day curled up in bed watching 17 Again...which I have to say is actually a really great movie.  Sometimes, you just have to respect rainy days and the duties that come with them.  How do you like to spend your rainy days?

photo via la douleur exquise


Anonymous said...

I need this skirt!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I totally need to watch 17 again!


Breathless Ms. Seberg said...

You are SO brave for going shopping in that weather...it was so gnarly. I had to go out once and there were discarded umbrellas everywhere.

On rainy days, there's nothing like hanging out in your pajamas and curling up with a book or a movie and inevitably falling asleep!


Ms. Seberg

Judith said...

I must say that movie was pretty funny. I say now off to look for a snazzy rain slicker...

Anonymous said...

i lay around in bed reading blogs ;D

cute photo, too!

Prim Knickers said...

I feel your pain! I actually went for a run on Saturday because I'm training for a 1/2 marathon. It ended up being kind of fun, but I was on the couch for the rest of the day... Love this photo!

Unknown said...

That photo makes nasty weather seem so beautiful. Currently snowing here in Korea. I feel your pain.

s.i. michaels said...

You know, we get so many here that you have to basically treat them like any other day! I mean, even walking to work this morning it rained a little.