09 February 2010


...my AirPort card is acting up which means no laptop internet access! To my dearest readers, hang in there with me. I'll be blogging via Blackberry in the meantime.

Please note:
1. Crossword puzzles. Bottom line, I need to get good at them. I've realized that they're so lonely, sitting empty in the back of my NYMags.
2. Snow. Pretty excited about the predicted 12" for NYC. Not so excited about not getting a snow day for it. Oh DCers, how are you holding up?
3. Big Love. Are you watching? Just started this season (with thorough wrap-up of seasons 1-3 from my roommate, of course)...I'm beyond hooked. Beyond.

Hopefully, I'll be up soon and back to normal looking Being Red posts. If there are any computer whizzes out there, email me.

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