10 December 2008

Beauty is only mullet deep

Here is an ACTUAL website dedicated to the business in the front and party in the back.  It's a little hard to navigate, but there are definitely some winners on there like our good friend A.C. Slater.  We all need a little (more like a lot) laugh on a dreary Wednesday!


Unknown said...

Yessssssssss! That porn stache is where it's at!

Arlynn said...

Ahhhh... hahaha, who doesn't love a good mullet?!?!

When I was in school, there was a fraternity whose sole purpose was to have it's members find people with mullets and take pictures with them, many times unknowingly...

It was a total hoot : )

Brilliant find!

Dorkys Ramos said...

Yipers is all I have to say to that. And that frat sounds hilarious!!

Songy said...

It's actually quite tragic. I still see men with that kinda hair. errr.