17 February 2009

Don't be caught in a Facebook folly

Set the scene...you're out at a bar and you see a high school bud or college acquaintance. Don't tell them you actually know what they've been up to...even though you may very well know their favorite book, band, and most recent three ex-boyfriends. Just take my word on this one, it really doesn't hurt to know the etiquette for surviving the stalking experience better known as Facebook (via Fashion...Finance...F it). You'll be better for it. So, spill, are you the stalker or the stalked?

photo via here


Jill GG said...

yes, classic "spying" on facebook. i have turned down invitations to things before only to have my "friends" on facebook spy on me (via my status updates, etc) to know I was doing other things that night! I say, if you are going to "spy" on me on facebook, then you are the only one losing sleep over it. I refuse to censor myself there! To each their own!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. I have avoided Facebook thus far, fearful that once I join I'll never actually speak to a live human again. But I feel similarly about the blog sometimes: Folks who chat with me about details from last week's post when I see them in person disconcert me somehow.

Gabby said...

ahahaha what a timely post! FB stalking is creepy!

Anonymous said...

hahah..how sad is it that I have actually had that happen.

s.i. michaels said...

You know, I feel like so much is available on my blog that having a facebook account would be a bit overkill. And honestly, given that my friend's parents are now on there, I do feel like the odd one out.

Nicole Marie said...

thats so funny!!!!

Unknown said...

lol! that is really funny. nice blog btw!

Unknown said...

I'm definitely stalked on there and i get the strangest email from people on FB and people who read my blog and look at my website but of course I'm curious about other people. If one of my "friends" posts photos of their wedding, I'm looking at them. I'm very picky about what personal photos I share online for that very reason...

Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

ambika: agreed! if your mom's uncle's cousin's dog is on facebook then there's a problem. then again, aren't you ever curious?! i don't think i could live without it.

Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

sal: refer to what i wrote to ambika.

chessa: i know exactly what you mean! although i avoid being very public on my facebook (i have all the possible privacy settings up), i still linger onto everyone's pages because its there.

Persian Tea said...

another creepy situation: "so i was reading your profile the other night and i noticed you listed ____ as one of your favorite movies...it's my favorite too!"

this actually happened to me.
i kid you not.

nice blog btw.

Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

persian tea: woof...someone said that to you!? aren't they embarrassed to say that out loud? hahaha. so sorry you had to go through that...yikes, talk about AWKWARD CITY.

Helen said...

haha this post made me giggle. me and my friends are always gossip about people and say 'ooh yeah i saw on facebook they split up with so and so' and 'have you seen how fat x has got? i saw her facebook photos' but of course would never admit that we have been facebook stalking people face to face.